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Selasa, 19 Mei 2015



Definition Of Causative Verb
The causative verb is a common structure in English. It shows that somebody or something is indirectly responsible for an action. The subject doesn't perform the action itself, but causes someone or something else to do it instead.

Types Of Causative Verb
1.       Active Causative
This structure is used when someone causes something to happen, or when a person causes another one to take an action.

2.       Passive Causative
This structure is used to talk about having something done by another person/thing.

How to use causative verbs in English

1.        LET

This construction means ‘to allow someone to do something.’

Grammatical structure: LET + PERSON/THING + VERB (base form)


·           Nuri’s father won’t let her adopt a puppy because he’s allergic to dogs.
·           Mary let me use her new laptop.
·           Will your parents let you go to the festival?
·           I don’t let my kids watch violent movies.
·           The shepherd let his sheep graze in the meadow.
·           I don't know if my boss will let me take the day off.
·           Our boss doesn’t let us eat lunch at our desks; we have to eat in the cafeteria.
·           My parents let me choose my boy friend.
·           His mother let him go to school.
·           Randy let me drive his new car.

Remember: The past tense of let is also let; there is no change!
Note:   The verbs allow and permit are more formal ways to say “let.” However, with allow and permit, we use to + verb:
·           I don’t allow my kids to watch violent movies.
·           Our boss doesn’t permit us to eat lunch at our desks.

2.        MAKE
This construction means ‘to force someone to do something.’
Grammatical structure: MAKE + PERSON + VERB (base form)
·           My dad made me apologize for what I had done.
·           My father make Randy go to Tarakan tommorow.
·           After Jhony broke the neighbor’s window, his parents made him pay for it.
·           Did somebody make you wear that ugly pant?
·           She make her children do their homework.
·           My ex-boyfriend loved sci-fi and made me watch every episode of his favorite show.
·           She made her kids tidy their beds.
·           The teacher made all the students rewrite their papers, because the first drafts were not acceptable.
·           My mother make Rea drive a new car.
·           Did somebody make you wear that ugly hat ?

Note: When using the verbs force and require, we must use to + verb.
·           The school requires the students to wear uniforms.
“Require” often implies that there is a rule.
·           The hijacker forced the pilots to take the plane in a different direction.
“Force” often implies violence, threats, or extremely strong pressure

3.        HAVE
This construction means ‘to authorize someone to do something.’
Grammatical structure: HAVE + PERSON + VERB (base form)
                                                 HAVE + THING + PAST PARTICIPLE OF VERB
·           The doctor had his nurse take the patient's temperature.
·           Please have your secretary forward me the e-mail.
·           She have her mother take a book in livingroom.
·           Mr. Santa had Sinta check the paper.
·           I had my hair cut in a completely new style.
·           I had the technician check the photocopy machine.
·           I’ll have my assistant call you to reschedule the appointment.
·           The businessman had his secretary make copies of the report.
·           I’m going to have my hair cut tomorrow.
·           We’re having our house painted this weekend.

Note: In informal speech, we often use get in these cases:
·           I’m going to get my hair cut tomorrow.
·           We’re getting our house painted this weekend.
·           Bob got his teeth whitened; his smile looks great!
·           My washing machine is broken; I need to get it repaired.

4.        GET
This construction means ‘convince/encourage someone to do something.
Grammatical structure: GET + PERSON + TO + VERB
·           How can we get all the employees to arrive on time?
·           My husband hates housework; I can never get him to wash the dishes!
·           The goverment tv commercials are trying to get people to stop smoking.
·           Sasa get her son to take the medicine even though it tasted terrible.
·           My father get Dio to sleep with him.
·           I got my car washed and waxed at the new service station.
·           My mother get her bedroom cleaned.
·           He got the mechanic to check his brakes.
·           The non-profit got a professional photographer to take photos at the event for free.
·           I get my homework finished.


Kamis, 07 Mei 2015

Being Global Leader in Islamic Finance

Sejarah Sistem Perbankan Syariah
Sejarah sistem perbankan syariah ini muncul karena dilandasi dengan kehadiran dua gerakan renaissance Islam modern. Tujuan utama dari pendirian lembaga keuangan berlandaskan etika ini adalah tiada lain sebagai upaya kaum muslimin untuk mendasari segenap aspek kehidupan ekonominya berlandaskan Al-Qur'an dan As-Sunnah. Upaya awal penerapan sistem profit and loss sharing tercatat di Pakistan dan Malaysia sekitar tahun 1940-an, yaitu adanya upaya mengelola dana jamaah haji secara nonkonvensional. Rintisan institusional lainnya adalah Islamic Rural Bank di desa Mit Ghamr pada tahun 1963 di Kairo, Mesir. Setelah dua rintisan awal yang cukup sederhana itu, bank islam tumbuh dengan sangat pesat. Sesuai dengan analisa Prof. Khursid Ahmad dan laporan International Association of Islamic Bank, hingga akhir 1999 tercatat lebih dari dua ratus lembaga keuangan Islam yang beroperasi di seluruh dunia, baik di negara-negara berpenduduk muslim maupun di Eropa, Australia maupun Amerika.

Islamic Finance
Adalah suatu ilmu yang mempelajari ekonomi khususnya dibidang keuangan dan yang diatur berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip atau ajaran-ajaran agama islam. Tujuannya ialah agar kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh orang-orang yang ada di dunia tidak melanggar aturan-aturan agama.

Tujuan Islamic Finance
Tujuan ekonomi syariah adalah mengentaskan kemiskinan dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Dengan ekonomi syariah akan meningkatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi.

Fenomena Riba dalam Aktifitas Ekonomi Masyarakat
Ada beberapa alasan mengapa riba tidak diperbolehkan, yaitu sebagai berikut:
1.      Karena riba tidak adil
2.      Riba berdampak pada krisis ekonomi
3.      Menyebabkan kemalasan

Financial Inclusion dan Financial Exclusion
Financial inclusion adalah suatu cara untuk mendapatkan akses masuk ke lembaga keuangan formal.
Sedangkan financial exclusion adalah cara yang tidak orang sukai untuk masuk ke lembaga keuangan formal, alasannya karena mereka tidak mau mendapatkan riba.

Boosting Economic Development
Ada beberapa cara untuk meningkatkan pembangunan ekonomi, sebagai berikut:
1.     Kemampuan teknikal
2.     Kemampuan manajerial
3.     Spiritual

Apa yang Harus di Lakukan untuk Menjadi Global Finance
1.     Niatkan dahulu
2.     Memperluas wawasan
3.     Meningkatkan pengetahuan
4.     Bangunlah visi
5.     Istiqomah
6.     Lakukanlah bersama-sama